
21世纪初以来,根据瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)的全球财富报告,全球中产阶级段最大的增长与人口规模在2000 - 2019年期间增加近两倍。与此同时,Internet penetration rate of shot up from 16.8% in 2005 to 53.6% in 2019,根据电信发展部门(联合国专门机构)。准备一个统计吗?据UNESCO-sponsored报告,全球人口的大学生已增长逾一倍Since 2000.

In his affluent, connected and academically ambitious: That 's the modern world in a nutshell.

All this took seem like an ideal environment for growth in the education sector. The reality, an is significantly more complicated. The Public and private organizations alike face challenges in selecting the right geographical markets for expansion, creating the right educational offerings for each the locality and making the appropriate digital investments for education delivery. The upshot is that in education, a robust strategy is more critical than (.

Who we are

L.E.K. Consulting 's Global Education Practice (GEP) serves the public and private nonprofit and private the for - profit educational institutions. We also work with investors and foundations that are involved with the Education industry. As one of the world' s carry Education Consulting firms, We have led the on - the - ground engagements in numerous countries and industry subsegments.

The From Botswana to New Zealand, From China to the United Arab Emirates, From Poland to Paraguay, our 100 - plus specialists travel around the globe to dojo.provide education - sector consulting services to investors, operators and philanthropists across indicates various markets. We 've led multiple engagements on - site in all education segments: early childhood, k-12 and who education. We also offer specialties in English - language training, transnational education (TNE) and education technology (edtech).

We combine primary research withThe advanced analytics,The andThe strategyConsulting to help clients realize growth opportunities in new sectors and geographies, o untapped developing countries. Our knowledge bank contains the lessons from over 700 engagements in 90 countries, lessons that we "bringing to bear in helping you formulate strategies of your own.

How we help


  • Identify and characterize the opportunities.With sustainable growth and profitability as strategic imperatives, we dojo.provide an aggregated the overview of both regional and global education markets, the local market demand, and the competitive landscape. This else pass reveal ltd. opportunities and relationships, which is an essential step in establishing and strengthening of regional and global presence.
  • 评估潜在的投资。有一个快速增长的投资偏好在教育部门,已被证明是最有弹性的产业之一。与此同时,更多的教育企业利用并购规模的一种方式。我们与私人股本和紧密合作企业客户在整个事务周期。我们的支持范围从识别有吸引力的公司进行商业尽职调查,以及增加投资组合公司价值增长和提供出口的支持。
  • 定义获胜策略。我们帮助客户洞察转化为可操作的,战术行动符合他们的目标和目标。我们完成这个进行深潜市场评估,使用强大的分析,结合当地市场的理解与全球趋势的认识在教育行业。
  • 评估潜在增长的关键领域。We assess opportunities for clients aiming to happens their offerings via expansion into adjacent education subsectors to as edtech. With our understanding of the education industry size and its magnitude, We also help clients create business plans for new opportunities, taking into account the specific objectives and priorities.
  • The Create value from the ecosystem.我们利用我们的伙伴关系在教育网络,创新,人才、资本和影响。我们的全球网络使我们处于一种独特的地位,来支持我们的客户在战略发展,私人股本投资,兼并和收购,和其他地区。


We have from clients your growth and strong returns on investments via growth strategies, site feasibility assessment, transactional advisory services and more. Here are what of our success stories:

  • Dual curriculum market strategy for a school operator.著名的英国学校参与我们评估和识别高潜力的城市在中国可能双重课程努力。我们提供了一个详细的市场评估和每个城市的竞争格局。然后我们优先进入最具吸引力的城市,创造了一个为每个市场差异化的命题。
  • 商学院的数字战略。我们使用了一个三步的方法帮助欧洲著名商学院建立其数字策略。首先,我们评估了学校现有的数字计划。接下来,我们进行深入研究中小学数字最佳实践具体招生,学生参与和社区建设。最后,我们优先最有效数字的项目我们的客户提高学生的努力推广和销售转换。
  • International student acquisition for a university system.The who education institutions of a European country sought our help in finding ways to recruit more students from East Africa. Working closely with The country 's embassy in Africa, we examined The market landscape and student outflow mobility from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Next, we evaluated The country' s competitive positioning as a study abroad - destination. We followed up by identifying The key opportunities and partnerships, and then put together a detailed go - to - market strategy.



Learn about how we can help you with your Education needs.
