An overview of the

A series of major challenges facing today's direct selling enterprises, including how to maximize the play to the role of the dealer, how to adapt to changing market penetration model, how to improve the product development process, etc.

With several large direct marketing and multi-level marketing (MLM) the organization's long-term in-depth cooperation, in the field of direct selling L.E.K. has accumulated rich experience in business model optimization.Using extensive industry knowledge and global resources, we are committed to help clients design and implementation of strategic planning, services include analysis of market environment and basic trend, new territory and market segment for priority sorting, maintain the traditional product or service sales and non-traditional mechanism of balance, multi-channel optimization, dealer incentives and management, pricing, product lifecycle management, etc.

Key issues and challenges

We have experienced professionals, they are very understand now distributor business challenges faced by market environment.We are good at dealing with problems include:

  • The dealer's performance?How to fully exploit their potential?
  • How to make the product/service innovation, to create business opportunities for a new generation of dealers?
  • What products and services should be in the pipeline to distributor to add?
  • Recruitment results?Is in a certain area or market segment tend to be more saturated?How to expand the development space?
  • The current reward scheme is advantageous to realize the business objectives of the latest?The dealer incentive effect how?How to optimize the plan?
  • How to promote the core market growth (and determine priorities)?

Successful cases

If you want to learn more about how we can help direct selling industry customer creation value, please refer to the following insights and case:

  • One of the world's leading direct selling enterprises due to its core market has reached saturation, sales growth is slowing and even started to slip.The business on a global scale for more than ten years of operating history, in order to promote sales growth, the company developed a more active international business growth targets, and entrust L.E.K. assist in developing a business plan, to support its own growth strategy.To read more
  • A world famous party planning company faced uncertainty, the root cause is that the size of the business opportunities than the size of the enterprise for the opportunity to develop resources.Management on the "primary" to make investment decisions is often poor.L.E.K.通过建立合理框架,帮助该公司确定了投资方向,成效显著。
  • A leading industry top ten adopt the multi-level marketing mode of health care companies hope to adjust their market entry plan.L.E.K.通过对其咨询部门进行分析并重组,成功使销售活动与下线的拓展更为协调。经过调整之后的激励政策使该公司得以进一步提升盈利能力。
  • A top health care products distributor due to face a surge in stock unit (SKU), the organization complexity of rising and falling again and again of profits and is difficult to effectively manage the product development pipeline.L.E.K. assist the distributor to find out the pain points in the product lifecycle management (PLM), and formulate the corresponding improvement plan.Finally, we cooperate with customers, success will improve the plan implement through the internal task force.

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